Calls for Projects

Each year, the Snowleader Foundation launches a call for project during winter. The associative projects must respond to two big themes: facilitating access for young people in the mountains and /or environmental protection in mountain areas. 

In parallel, we are equally committed along with other general interest players of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region to work together on common subjects. We join forces with other foundations to launch common calls for projects, and we are a member of a community that unites the funds and foundations of the alpine mountain ranges. This way, if we work together, we hope that our actions will be heard further and further in the mountains! 

Ecological Transition in Mountain Areas

The Snowleader and Petzl Foundations

Our foundations

We – the Snowleader and the Petzl Foundations – believe that it is urgent to get involved in the ecological transition in the mountains. This is why we launched our first call for projects in June 2022, to encourage change and mountain protection among associations, communities, citizen’s collectives, or public research laboratories, that act for the future. 
In 2024, we are launching our third edition of this call for project. 

The projects supported by the Snowleader and the Petzl Foundations contribute to reducing carbon emissions, protecting biodiversity, and encouraging awareness raising for climate change in the mountains. These projects must take place in mountain regions. 

The theme

Here are a few examples that respond to the theme of this call for projects:
– Initiating forestry works with a positive impact on the climate, biodiversity, and landscapes;
– Mountain hut renovation, that improves thermal insulation, and eliminates fossil fuel-based energy;
– Raising public awareness to understand and adapt to climate change effects.

The Snowleader Foundation

Annual Call for Projects

Submit a project

Do you have a meaningful project, that responds to the missions of the Snowleader Foundation? Prepare your application, and send it through at the annual call for projects, in December. 

The themes

You are a general interest association, a non-profit project manager? Send your application through. 

  • Facilitating access for young people in the mountains
    The project facilitates children’s and / or young people’s access in the mountains, helping them discover this universe that they know so little, or not at all, discover its activities, its own environment, etc. 
  • Acting in favour of mountain protection
    The project aims at actions on site, or at raising awareness for the preservation, and the protection of natural areas in the mountains (biodiversity protection, water and glacier preservation, eco-friendly transportation, recycling, installation dismantling, raising public awareness, etc.)

Imagine Your Mountains

A common call for projects

Our collective

We are:
The Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes Foundation
The Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes Foundation
The Enfance et Montagne Endowment Fund
The Essentiem Endowment Fund
The Glénat Foundation
The Montagne en Scène Foundation
The Petzl Foundation
The Poma Foundation
The Snowleader Foundation
The Terre d’Initiatives Solidaires Regional Foundation
The Grenoble Alpes University Foundation

Every year, our group of general interest structures for the alpine regions proposes a grant for the support and development of young people’s commitment to mountain protection.

The theme

Together, we wish to reach out to as many young people as possible, to prepare them for the future. The goal of the ‘Imagine your Mountains’ call for projects is to allow associations submit projects that work towards environmental protection, and that are designed for young people.
Raising awareness on natural areas protection, or direct actions for protection or restoration: small or big, these initiatives must aim at engaging today’s children and youth to develop a responsibility towards alpine environment ecology. 

This call for projects is opened to all legal entities working in the alpine area. 
Submitted projects must respond to general interest goals, and to address the young public. (Pupils, students in secondary school, high school, or the public under 18 years old) The number of beneficiaries of the winning project must be higher than 25 young people. 
The third call for project took place between the 6th of November 2023, and the 22nd of January 2024. Winners were announced in April 2024.